Monday, April 8, 2013

Essay 3 Outlines

Michael Walsh

Three Possible Essay 3 Outlines

I.               Introduction – introduces main problems associated with obesity and creates the exigence for the topics.
II.             Body Paragraphs – Establish the three main topics that create a problem of obesity in America among college students.
a.     Unhealthy Diet
                                               i.     Fatty Foods
                                              ii.     Soda and Alcohol
b.     Lack of Exercise
c.      Stress/ Psychological

III.           Conclusion- Wraps up the essay, but also includes my personal instructions on helping curb the problem of obesity in the United States. It will include my “plan” and ideas of compromise while stressing the importance and magnitude of the situation including the “what if we don’t make change”?

The Benefit of this outline includes quick easy organization that allows for expansion of the debate. It also allows me to focus my approach and create an well organized argument that allows my audience to easily comprehend. However, the negatives are it isn’t very detailed which could take away from my main messages.

I.               Introduction- focuses on a different approach of addressing the statistical information regarding obesity.
a.     Statistical Data
b.     Brief History of Obesity in America
II.             Body Paragraphs – focus in on the main area of approach- college students.
a.     Address Obesity Among College Students
b.     Analyze Meal Plan Options
c.      Exercise Patterns
d.     Appeals for Healthy Lifestyle
III.           Conclusion- Wraps up the essay and includes my personal plan to change the pattern of obesity. It will also introduce future factors or projected obesity expectations if nothing changes.

The benefits of this argument include the statistical information of logos to reinforce my argument or debate for change. However this limits the emotional appeals, which are necessary for complete change to the culture in the United States.

I.               Introduction- introduces the main problems associated with obesity to create an exigence for change in the United States. It will include previous history of obesity and plans currently in place and future bans on certain food.
a.     Address the Statistical Information
b.     Emotional and Psychological Appeals
II.             Body Paragraphs- Establish the three main areas of obesity among college students.
a.     Unhealthy Diet
                                               i.     Meal Plan Diet
                                              ii.     Soda/ alcohol
                                            iii.     Fatty (fast) foods
b.     Lack of Exercise
                                               i.     Culture of Encouragement of Exercise
                                              ii.     Opportunities for Group Exercise
c.      Stress/ Psychological
                                               i.     Schoolwork and impact on body
                                              ii.     Self Esteem/ Emotions
III.           Conclusion – The conclusion will wrap up the article that includes my personal plan to curb obesity. I will focus on a plan of compromise rather than strict bans. It will appeal to the statistical and emotional appeals of the audience and the nation.

This outline is probably the one I will use because it encompasses the entire problem of obesity but focuses in on college students. It also deals with logos and pathos to create appeals to the audience for change. 

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