Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Essay 3 Primary Outline

Introduction: Implementing a healthy lifestyle program on college campuses around the nation to curb the effects of obesity.
Set up the rhetorical situation:
--begin with statistics regarding obesity throughout the nation –will catch my audience’s attention and support my ethos as caring about obesity especially in college students who should be at their “prime”
--Exigence: Obesity is a problem in the United States and students struggle to remain fit on college campusesà include a striking statistic
--Clearly something needs to be done about this issue, and some governmentally-funded programs would make a difference in improving obesity (already has been done [what can we change])
--Ideal audience: aim towards students and government/university officials
--Constraints: possible constraints include the need for federal funding, also people may believe these steps will not make a difference; also some people may believe it is not necessary for this age group thus focus on another age group--Most people agree that obesity is a problem in The United States (fact) and that this has detrimental effects on the health and the health care system and the students’ futures (causal); as a result there needs to be a policy to address this.
**Probably need to define obesity as I see it at some point, and note if my definition develops from someone else.**
Thesis: The United States needs to implement a federally funded program to encourage overall health and wellbeing to curb obesity in college students. This program should consist of a reward system for students’ exercise, an information seminar for students on how to encourage exercise and healthier diets, and a  cost reduction  on healthier food choices that promote overall health benefits. By instigating this program, college students will drastically improve their health in terms of lifestyle regarding diet and exercise, which will eventually reduce the problem of obesity in America. 

Section 1—Importance of Reducing Obesity (1-2 paragraphs)
--Define Obesity; build from definitions of others/explain my interpretation.
--Obesity rates in the US—sociological studies, reference authorities
--College Students & Obesity
à information
--Explain why this is so negative—what the resounding repercussions could be
Section 2—My policy (5-6 paragraphs)
Point 1: Reward system: underlying value of importance of reducing obesity, the need to reach an value system for exercise and other dietary habits that promote overall health
--statistics showing how well students could benefit from reward systems
--examples of reward systems that would be plausible
--ask testimonials from other obesity programs
à Proven Successàhow rewards system helpful?
--describe how my reward system would look like
--mention students viewpoints on the issue

Point 2—Information seminar for students:
--scientific studies on exercise as beneficial to overall health & education
--cite an authority on obesity-
à mention studies on importance of healthy lifestyle
--outline what students would need to know to help encourage others
       --have restrictions on certain foods / beverages
       --have support groups/ group exercise

Point 3: Cost Reduction:
--examples of ways to make healthy food more available and at reduced costs
--encouraging students to choice healthier food on meal plan
--have students interact together to promote healthier choices
--have added benefits or rewards for healthy food
-- rewards do not change attitudes toward making healthy decision
à it would promote an added incentive to eating healthier
--cannot force people to comply
à no one likes being obese, if people have success others will want that success
--Where get money from? What about other programs for obesity in the United States?--> clearly some issues; Yet Obesity is such a serious problem something has to be done. In addition, college students are future and would be great role model.
--clearly something needs to be done on this topic. This is an issue about our nation’s future.
--If we do not implement a program to curb obesity, then our society may be in jeopardy with keeping up with in the world while health costs would be overwhelming.
--Even more importantly, is an issue of personal well-being and happinessà obesity limits experiences. Ending obesity could create possibilities and help us to understand each other better and respect others.

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